Monday, May 22, 2006


I see this field 'about me' in orkut. Many times I have thought that filling up this space is a waste of time because all I can think about me are the bad attributes that one can associate with any human being. Well, there are a few good ones too as you will soon learn. So instead of shamelessly posting my attributes in a public forum like orkut where any and every person - from those who know me well to those who have not seen me at all - will get to know what I am made of, I adopted a wiser option of not trying to talk too much about me. Afterall, 24 years have gone by and I am still trying to figure out, rather unsuccessfully, as to what I am and who I am.
A frequent interview question when I used to apply for positions in India is "What are your strengths and weaknesses?". There are people who would prepare answers beforehand by trying to diplomatically combine their strength/weakness with the job requirement. I did that as well but I was never satisfied with that answer because the answer did not describe me. May be whatever answers I gave was the technical "about me". I always wish to have a little time for myself everyday, to not think about anything else but me. It still remains a wish as I do not religiously follow the routine. But if I do follow, I should be able to get to know about myself better. For now, let me give out some of my weaknesses followed by my strengths (I know, I know, blogger is a public forum as well but I dont care. There will be less people visiting my blog.)

Weaknesses : Egoism (much more than what you would expect from a dumb fellow)
Superior inferiority complex (as the first weakness rider would indicate)
Inferior superiority complex
Short temper
Brutal frankness (as this blog will indicate)
Hyper analysis of self (ditto)

Strengths : Pride
Brutal frankness
Hyper analysis of self
Loyalty to those who I like (it is a different issue that it is not reciprocated which makes me look like a bloody martyr!)

As you can clearly see, my weaknesses outnumber my strengths. Ideally, anyone would like to have (my weakness)^-1 as his/her personality. Now that I have listed these (and the list will keep growing as and when I come across an apt adjective that describes me), my work is cut out in orkut.

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