Monday, July 17, 2006

In short..that is

Everyone has one friend (if they are lucky)
who ranks higher on the 'friend scale'
than anyone else...
That is the friend with whom
you can be completely honest
about what you are thinking and feeling,
without worrying for a moment
that you are going to be judged.
That is the friend who has seen you
at your best and at your worst
and loves you all the same.
That is the friend who,
if you who have been mistreated,
gets almost angrier than you do
and demands justice.
That is the wonderful
indispensible friend
who is ally, playmate, confidant
and kindred spirit...

In short that is ............................!

Fill it up with the name of the friend who comes to your mind immediately and you will sense that each and every word reflects the friendship that you share with that person.


PS: This was flicked from Linda Lee Elrod.
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