Sunday, September 17, 2006


Bought an acoustic guitar yesterday. Though I was thinking about the purchase for a long time, yesterday's was just instinctive. Incidentally this guitar is fully in black, the only colour they had in stock. Ha! My first love, however, will always be my keyboard. Guitar will be of use only when I come across some song which has a lovely strumming. I know nothing about guitar, absolootly nothing. Not even the ideal way to hold/rest it. So it is going to quite interesting and frustrating. Looking forward to getting some painful cuts/marks at my finger tips!

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Naangu kannadi suvargalukkulae naanum mezhuguvathiyum...

Movie : Expected the movie to be a total 'bwaack' from the raving reviews that my friends in India showered. It can be viewed once. Twice, may be.

Songs : Needless to say. Two songs were in the 'love at first hear' category, even before I watched the movie. The intro to 'Munbae Vaa' was excuizit. 'Newyork Nagaram' is an ob choice what with the strumming. Others will be very good as well after constant earplugging.

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